The (Not So) Secret Diary Of A Pole and Aerial Hoop Beginner – Week Eleven

I am nearly three months into my Pole and Aerial journey. So far, it’s been an amazing and incredibly rewarding experience. My health, physical and mental, has improved dramatically. I am eating much more healthily and sleeping better too. I feel energised and better able to focus at work, so the benefits of this little experiment far outweigh any fears I may have had before it started.

Week Eleven – Pole

After the usual warm up with Hannah, we started out with a spin sequence as a recap of what we have done in previous sessions.

This included Step Around, Back Step and Cradle Spin. I’m really starting to feel comfortable with these now, along with the other spins we have learnt to date.

I also managed to do a climb to the top of the tallest pole in the studio! It was hard going, but I was determined to get to the top of the pole this week and lo and behold, I did! I was so pleased with myself, now I just need to work on the form and make it look good.

A lot of people have spoken to me about the dreaded Shoulder Mount since I started this journey. Well, this was the week for our introduction to it.

I positioned myself on the pole as Hannah had shown us and held my breath waiting for the pain to hit, but it never came!?! We were practicing Shoulder Mount Arch specifically, which is a little kinder on the shoulder as far as I understand it, but this seemed a lot easier and less painful that I could have imagined. Hannah was very surprised at my progress out of the gate with this one, which made me feel very proud of myself.

We finished of the session by revisiting our Inside Leg Hang. Inverting on to the pole and then positioning my legs was fine, it was when I put some actual weight on my hold that the pain arrived; it felt like a branding iron was being applied to my inner thigh and I’m not too shy to admit, I shouted an expletive I don’t care to repeat (it involved implying that the pole has intercourse with its mother, make of that what you will).

Honestly, my thighs were still burning a whole day later! Here’s a short video of me half-way achieving it:

Another great session this week, which has boosted my confidence on the pole another level.

Week Eleven – Aerial Hoop

The usual warm up resumed with Ellie resumed this week, sans the abs challenge from the last couple of weeks (my core was grateful!).

Front Balance was the first order of business this week. We practiced two different entries into this, a Backwards Invert and a Side Transition.

For me, the Backwards Invert went really well and I was pleased that I managed to get it in just one or two tires. The Side Transition was another story. Each time I tried to do this, I seemed to roll over my hand (painfully), maybe I wasn’t paying attention to Ellie when she was demonstrating this particular thing, but I’ll have to wait until week twelve before I can try again, as I’m on vacation from this Tuesday, so will miss out on my usual class this Wednesday.

We also tried Hip Holds. These proved to be a bit painful for me when transitioning into them, due to being a guy. Something else to work on in the next session too.

In preparation for Upside Down Man In The Moon, we revisited the standard Man In The Moon first. Ellie made the transition from standard to upside down look very simple, but when it came time for me to try, the hand positioning and movement proved a little difficult to grasp and unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to nail this move.

Finally, just for fun, we revisited some of our favourite moves we have learnt to date and I chose to have another go at Pencil Hold on the bottom bar of the hoop. It didn’t feel as smooth as the previous times I had done it, but it was something.

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The (Not So) Secret Diary Of A Pole and Aerial Hoop Beginner – Week Ten

Week Ten – Pole

I’m in double digits for weeks attended, I can’t believe how far I have come on this journey already and how rewarding it has been!

I’d also like to preface this post by saying this was without a doubt one of my best sessions so far, really felt like I achieved something and made progress, but more on that in a bit.

Hannah walked us through our usual warm up, before we moved on to climbs.

If you’ve read any of this blog series before, you’ll know I’ve never made it past two climbs on the pole and certainly not to the top of the pole. Well, this was my week (admittedly it was on one of the shorter poles in the studio), but I got to the top and hung out for a while quite comfortably, even giving the truss a tap for good measure (I know this is a no-no in most situations, but I couldn’t resist).

The next item on the agenda was Martini Sit. This looks deceptively easy (especially with Hannah pulling it off so nonchalantly), but I was in a for a rude awakening when it came to try it myself. The amount of butt/leg needed to really hang off the pole is the key here (not to self; buy shorter shorts!).

We then tried out a Step Around in to Back Hook. This didn’t prove too troublesome and I like to think my feet are nicely pointed while doing it (Hannah, any thoughts?).

I really nailed the next move; Inverted Crucifix! I got a good distance off the floor in my inversion and the hold on the pole was super solid, I was not moving anywhere unless I wanted to, which felt amazing. Coming down and the standing the ‘right way up’ again afterwards messed with my sense of balance a bit, but I reckon I’ll get used to it.

Finally, before we moved on to some stretching to end the class, I had another go at Butterfly. After the success of my Inverted Crucifix, this came a lot more naturally, still a little shaky, but I pulled it off none the less.

Week Ten – Aerial Hoop

Ellie started us out on our usual warm up and we moved to our usual conditioning.

We then started Single Leg Hang conditioning, which proved a bit painful after all the Martini Sits from pole previously, so I wasn’t able to hold it as long as I normally can or make any “pretty shapes.”

After this, Ellie talked us through a Side Seat Transition. I had visions of losing my grip and falling on to a most undesirable area on the bottom of the hoop, but thankfully my grip was great this week, so nothing to worry about.

Once we had this down, we moved onto a little combo consisting of Splits Away, the Side Seat Transition, into an Invert before finishing on a Front Balance. This was my first time really trying the Front Balance, so I was a little intimidated (flashbacks of the pain from Back Balance sprang to the front of my mind), but it turned out fine in the end.

After that, we worked on our under-bar shapes; Pencil, Split, Stag and Mexican.

Finally a little Gazelle practice to round out the session before some stretching and that was my hour up.

I realise I’ve been a bit lax with photos and videos lately, for anybody that’s missing them, I promise to remember to get more going forwards.

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